10 Must Have Tools For Your Twitter
Barack Obama and Stephen Fry currently appear to be the unofficial President and Vice President of the Twitter community (though Jonathan Ross Wossy is catching up quickly at number 24 and I currently stand at an amazingly un-noteworthy 578,736th!). Towering above the community with swathes of hardy trust followers watching their, almost, every move. I spent quite some time with countless others last night stuck, virtually in my case, in a lift with Stephen – how he managed to get any sort of signal to twit in that environment says something about technology.
Twitter, in case you’ve missed it, is quickly becoming a fad, strike that, a phenomenon as people take up the challenge of following others in their limited (140 letters and numbers per entry) expression of the world. One of Twitters greatest strengths, and some may think its biggest weakness, is in its simplicity – all posts you make in Twitter appear in a linear list with only very basic formatting customisation available.
You may want to enhance your Twitter experience so here are ten tools and services to help boost your productwittery.
Get the rankings of the twitter community to see who the movers and shakers are.
Get nitty gritty information about your tweets including aggregate daily tweets, tweet density, tweet interface analysis, replies, and hourly and daily stats.
Twitter is fun and allows a colourful display of language but sometimes it would be great to simply post a photo. TwitPic fills that gap and lets you post a photo and post a link to it on Twitter (all using your Twitter account).
Twitter Search (previously Summize)
Now part of Twitter itself Twitter Search is useful for finding information in the Twitterverse.
TweetDeck is a downloadable client for use with Twitter. One of its key features is the ability to group topics to make it clearer what is happening.
Get detailed information about your friends and followers.
Post references to your blog posts to your Twitter.
Get an alert when your keywords appear on Twitter.
Setup scheduled posts for Twitter for those times when you just cannot be there in person.
Tweeterized TwitterSig
Make a dynamic Twitter Signature for use on website and in forums.
Have I missed anything? What are your favourite Tools?
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1 komentar:
Wadaw Twitter g begitu paham!!~x(
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