Blog Trick : Blog Exchangers to Increase Traffic Instantly - Part 2
Before this, i was post about blog exchangers part 1. The easyest way to increase traffic instantly. The next chapter is this post. If you wanna read the previous blog exchangers article goes here. For the next chapter. Will be more easy to do surf and earning credit. You also can earn credit by upgrading your account or buying the credit with low prices.
For example, Trafficswarm, this site will give you credit just by clicking the ads below the counter. Just by click them, you can can earn 2-5 credit per click. Wow, it's so fast and so easy to earn more than 100 credit per day. You can check it alone then by sign up and activate your account. The vinefire was the easiest of the other. Just add your blog and your article link in one minute every link and then your link was included automatically without assigning a credit no more. Just wait for the traffic.
This is the 3 i talked before. You can try it absolutely free. I'm sorry that it was my refferal link. Hehehehe..., I’ve been trying out 3 of these services, and they have worked reasonably well, I have been getting dozens of accesses, daily, from each. They are:
Thanks for your attention. I hope that trick can help you in building your site. If you want to ask more you can contact me or comment here.
14 komentar:
triknya mantab... :D
wah gak jadi pertamaxx deh
gak pa2 deh.....
great post brother
mas sapujagadku
selalu memberitahu info N tips yang kereeeeeen..
thank mas for info N tips nya :D
@all : thx for your comment for me... cheers
klo yang ini kita main curang engk di bannedkan?....
bener banget tuh kata si cupu, info blog ni emang kereeeen :D
Nice info sob,,, infonya berguna banget terbukti efektif triknya Mas.. Cheers
aku turagan tar aku coba....
info yg bermanfaat...apalagi tuker link ama yang ber PR 3 keatas....pasti cepet naik deh PR nya :-)
ini baru info yg nerguna perlu dipelajari ..... komen balik dunk ha ha......
goood leh dicoba nih
blm ada post baru ya?...
Wah manteb banget sob :)
boleh juga tuh om. buat nambah trafik
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